

Beseech you, stay awhile;
Ye shimmering moon over floating cloud banks;
Befriend me upon thy passionate beams;
And make me a child once again just for tonight.

Bechance me hold thy hallowed visit;
Forgive though I behooves not good hostess;
With all my heart here lay I my faithful hand;
Un to the worthy words of my loyal speech.

If foretold and prophesied what would befall me;
Pallid lips of separation could have been withheld;
Sooner am I obliged but to hear foot falls of my beloved;
Fading in to unknown distance at the break of day.

Behold her how like a corpse shrouded in waxen raiment;
Lay on her bed and droplets escaping her eyes asleep;
Here by this window fall I to unfold my anguish in to night at times;
And often times to cherish the last glance of her beauteous face.

What would yield to my anguished grief but torturous surge;
For fantasy far removed from prison cell of your absence;
What would alas, but comfort my unspent passion;
For missing will be the soft and tender love of my beloved forever.


  • Sonam Tshering says:
    November 10, 2011 at 11:14 PM

    oi, make it simple...not complicated, it would look more nice.

  • Unknown says:
    November 12, 2011 at 7:02 AM

    Great poem there...liked the images. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

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